Using the Flow Layout nodes

Use the Flow Layout nodes to arrange nodes along a line. When a line runs out of space, the Flow Layout node places its child nodes in a new line. You can use a Flow Layout node to arrange content in the same way you would arrange it on a page.

Flow Layout node iterates through its child nodes in the order you add them and first arranges items along the line set in the Primary Direction property. When a Flow Layout node runs out of available space in the direction set by the Primary Direction property, it creates a new line along the direction you set in the Secondary Direction property. See Setting the direction of a Flow Layout node.

You can set the direction and the starting point for arranging Flow Layout 3D child nodes on x, y, and z axes, and Flow Layout 2D child nodes on x and y axes.

Creating a Flow Layout node

To create a Flow Layout node:

  1. In the Project press Alt and right-click the node where you want to create a Flow Layout node and select either Flow Layout 3D, or Flow Layout 2D.
    Note that you can create a 3D node only inside 3D nodes, and 2D node only inside 2D nodes.
  2. In the Project add child nodes to the Flow Layout node.
    For example, if you created a Flow Layout 3D node, add several Sphere nodes, if you created a Flow Layout 2D node, add several Image nodes.
    As you add child nodes, the Flow Layout node positions them along the axes defined by the Primary Direction and Secondary Direction properties.
  3. (Optional) To clear the area around child nodes in a layout, in the Project select child nodes in the layout, in the Properties click , and add and set the margin properties:

Setting the direction of a Flow Layout node

For a Flow Layout node you can set both the starting point and the direction in which the Flow Layout node arranges its child nodes.

To set the direction of a Flow Layout node:

  1. Create a Flow Layout node and add child nodes to it. See Creating a Flow Layout node.
  2. In the Properties set the Flow Layout node direction properties:

    For example, to arrange items in a flow layout according to the rules used in:

Setting the background of a Flow Layout 2D node

Use brushes to set the background of 2D nodes. In Kanzi all 2D nodes by default have transparent background.

To set the background:

  1. Create a Color Brush, a Texture Brush, or a Material Brush. See Using brushes.
  2. In the Project select the 2D node the background of which you want to paint.
    Note that you can set only the background of 2D nodes.
  3. In the Properties click , add the Background Brush property, and select the brush you created in the first step.

Using the Flow Layout 3D node in the API

To create a Flow Layout 3D object:

// Create a Flow Layout 3D object named Flow. The default primary direction is
// left to right and secondary direction top to bottom.
FlowLayout3DSharedPtr flow = FlowLayout3D::create(domain, "Flow");

To set the width of a flow layout:

// Set the width of the flow layout to 6 device independent pixels to
// limit its size in its primary direction. By limiting the size in
// the primary direction you force it to create a new line in
// the secondary direction, when it cannot fit an item in the primary direction.

To add items to a flow layout:

// Flow Layout 3D arranges its items in the order you add them.
// Create a 3D object ...
Model3DSharedPtr item1 = Model3D::createBox(domain, "item1", 2.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, KanziThemeRed);
// ... and add it to the flow layout.
// The second item still fits in the first line.
Model3DSharedPtr item2 = Model3D::createBox(domain, "item2", 3.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, KanziThemeGreen);
// There is still space in the first line, but the third item is
// too large to fit, so flow layout creates a new line.
Model3DSharedPtr item3 = Model3D::createBox(domain, "item3", 5.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, KanziThemeBlue);
// The fourth item fits in the second line by leaving no empty space.
Model3DSharedPtr item4 = Model3D::createBox(domain, "item4", 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, KanziThemeOrange);
// Flow layout places the last item in a new line.
Model3DSharedPtr item5 = Model3D::createBox(domain, "item5", 3.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, KanziThemeGreen);

For details, see the API reference.

Using the Flow Layout 2D node in the API

To create a Flow Layout 3D object:

// Create a Flow Layout 2D object named Flow. The default primary direction is
// left to right and secondary direction top to bottom.
FlowLayout2DSharedPtr flow = FlowLayout2D::create(domain, "Flow");

To set the width of a flow layout:

// Set the width of the flow layout to 600 pixels to limit its size in its
// primary direction. By limiting the size in the primary direction you force
// it to create a new line in the secondary direction, when it cannot fit
// an item in the primary direction.

To add items to a flow layout:

// Flow Layout 2D arranges its items in the order you add them.
// Create a 2D object ...
EmptyNode2DSharedPtr item1 = EmptyNode2D::create(domain, "item1", 200.0f, 200.0f, KanziThemeRed);
// ... and add it to the flow layout.
// The second item still fits in the first line.
EmptyNode2DSharedPtr item2 = EmptyNode2D::create(domain, "item2", 250.0f, 250.0f, KanziThemeBlue);
// There is still space in the first line, but the third item is
// too large to fit, so flow layout creates a new line.
EmptyNode2DSharedPtr item3 = EmptyNode2D::create(domain, "item3", 200.0f, 200.0f, KanziThemeGreen);
// The fourth item fits in the second line by leaving no empty space.
EmptyNode2DSharedPtr item4 = EmptyNode2D::create(domain, "item4", 400.0f, 400.0f, KanziThemeOrange);
// Flow layout places the last item in a new line.
EmptyNode2DSharedPtr item5 = EmptyNode2D::create(domain, "item5", 150.0f, 150.0f, KanziThemeRed);

For details, see the API reference.

See also

Using the Dock Layout nodes

Using the Grid Layout nodes

Using the Stack Layout nodes

Using the Trajectory Layout nodes

Layout control nodes